
3 Worship Leading Tips That Often Get Ignored

Carlos Whittaker offers ideas to sharpen your worship leading skills:

Since I’ve made a purposeful switch to speaking on Sundays more often than leading worship on Sundays, everything is suddenly louder when I lead worship. Preaching 3 Sundays a month and then leading worship 1 Sunday a month has been oh so good for my worship leading soul. Here are some things I’m discovering often go untouched…

1. Make tired songs new by pointing out new truths.
You see it happen. That glazed look not only in the congregations eyes but your bands eyes the second they hear the “do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do dooooo” of the guitar players intro of Mighty to Save.
It’s because there is nothing new about the song after the 43422th time you have done it.
You have to LEAD them.
Lyrics are your friend.
This weekend I introduced the song by pointing out the 2nd verse…
“I know you may have sung this song 1000 times, but the truth of verse two is available for redemption today. No matter the sin of Wednesday night, Monday morning, or last night, Christ wants you desperately and won’t stop pursuing you, so as we sing this today, go to that place of loneliness in your sin, and know that He is there waiting for you, desperately wanting you just the way you are.”
The simple bringing of a lyric to the current situation of the people you stand in front of will make a song brand new.

Continue reading.


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