music notes

The Type of Music God Hates

Gary Miller: According to the Bible, there is a certain type of music God hates. But what is it?

Can you picture God covering His ears because He hates what He hears? According to the Bible, there is a certain type of music God hates. But what is it?

It has to be rock & roll, right? After all, it is the devil’s music. Nope. Is it country or bluegrass? No, not them either. How about rap, hip-hop or jazz? Uh uh. Maybe it’s classical, pop, heavy metal, soul R & B, reggae or the blues? Wrong again; it’s none of those. You see, God does not hate a particular genre.

Maybe it’s a certain song, like:”The Lion Sleeps Tonight” or “Who Let the Dogs Out?” But God does not hate a particular song.

Maybe God hates the sound of a specific instrument. After all, man has invented some instruments that can be very irritating. Bagpipes, for instance, always strike me as dissonant and out of tune. The Bible mentions many musical instruments (lyre, harp, flute, horn, trumpet, tambourine and cymbals), yet it doesn’t seem to give any indication which ones (if any) God prefers or detests. But again, God does not seem to hate a specific instrument.

The music God hates has nothing to do with its genre, melody or instrumentation. In fact, it has nothing to do with music at all. The type of music God hates is music (designed to glorify Him) that flows from a hypocritical heart. That is one thing He cannot stand!

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