3 Points of Focus for the Christmas Production Season

The Christmas season often intensifies preparations for church music ministries. This busy time can be rewarding or stressful. Keeping focus on a few key areas can help make it a positive experience.

First, maintain spiritual focus amid the busyness. Guard against performance mentality by keeping Christ central through prayer, scripture, and awareness of His presence and glory.

Second, show love to team members and their families by organizing efficient rehearsals. Minimize disruptions to other responsibilities and leave time for breathing. Be willing to cancel if needed. People will appreciate your care for their well-being.

Third, prioritize prayer personally and corporately. Evaluate how prayer currently fits into planning. Develop guides and prayer teams. Frequently encourage prayer. This aligns with trusting God ultimately determines success.

In all, remember ultimate glory belongs to God alone. Keeping kingdom priorities like grace, rest, and dependency central creates space for God to move powerfully this Christmas. The intensity of season can serve His purposes when done His way.

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