day off

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Lead Worship This Sunday

Fred McKinnon encourages worship leaders to take a Sunday off.

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you didn’t show up to lead on a Sunday?

Would worship still occur?
Would your leadership team be able to adjust?
Would your congregation adapt?

I’d like to suggest five reasons why you should not lead worship this Sunday. OK, maybe not THIS Sunday in a literal sense. But let’s entertain some valid reasons why you should be prepared to not lead and remove yourself from the platform every now and then.

1. Regain the Congregant’s Perspective

When was the last time that you participated in a worship service as a congregant? This perspective can be very enlightening to a worship leader. By joining in with the congregation you can get a first hand feel for what your sound is like, how your team’s stage presence is represented, how transitions flow, and what may be helping or hurting the overall environment that is being created. Can you hear one another sing? Is the lighting sufficient? Are people around you engaged in corporate singing or are they just watching the performance? All of these can be more easily discerned from the vantage point of a worshiper in the congregation.

2. Empower Other Leaders

One of the biggest reasons that you need to get off the stage every now and then is for the empowerment of other leaders. Any worship leader should be intentionally mentoring and raising up additional worship leaders. You may have to start from scratch or you may share in the huge blessing that I have where you’re already surrounded with a plethora of strong worship leaders. Either way, stepping aside and giving them the opportunity to minister will build depth in your team, empower others, and bring a fresh approach to worship for your congregation.

Continue reading.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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