step down

My Top Reasons For Asking A Worship Team Member To Step Down

David Santistevan tackles a difficult topic.

I’m hoping this post will help you process why, when, and how to approach this difficult experience we all face.

1. Lack of Respect for Leadership – Something I look for in a high pressure rehearsal setting is the “rolled eye”. If a musician rolls their eyes and is very defensive when I make a musical suggestion, I confront it. I tell the musician that I have the bigger picture in mind and I’m making decisions based on what will serve the church in the best possible way. But “lack of respect” can work itself out in many ways. You know it when you see it.

2. Gossip – There are few things I hate more than gossip when it comes to being on a team. A great team values honesty, openness, and respect. For example, if you have a problem, man up and come to me rather than taking the easy way out and talking to others.

The definition of gossip is talking about a problem with someone who can’t be a part of the solution. I love what Andy Stanley: we need to be private critics and public praisers. We can disagree and work things out in private, but when it comes to talking about our ministry publicly, we get behind the vision even when it hurts.

3. Being Unprepared – Does your team have a culture of excellence here on this team where practice is personal and rehearsal is relational? When we step into a rehearsal environment, we’re not there to learn but to flow and connect. If a musician isn’t ready once (or even a few times), we talk about it and work on it. If it’s a constant, ongoing problem, it can’t be allowed to continue because it’s not fair to the rest of team.

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