
10 Tips to Getting Hired as a Worship Leader

Slingshot Group’s Monty Kelso offers practical and spiritual ideas:


  • Know yourself: Be in touch with your complete story. Your family upbringing, life experiences, significant relationships and education all shape who you are. The redemptive work of God in you is never finished. Being vulnerable about your strengths and weaknesses only brings out more authenticity (high on the list of “key qualities”). If you’ve never dealt with your baggage, then get on with it so as not to drag those issues in to your next ministry.  Intensive discipleship and mentoring helps you “become”!
  • Abide in The Spirit: Finding peace in God’s perfect provision will help you get a job. Churches want to hire worship leaders who model the fruit of The Spirit. Fear is your greatest enemy in this process. Let your love relationship with God rid you of fear and free you to be the attractive aroma of Christ….the “it factor” in a church context. Who you are trumps what you can do.
  • Determine your biggest “YES”! Knowing what your gifts and skills are (and aren’t) helps you define yourself and represent well. As you determine your bigger “yes” you are able to confidently say “no” to other things that may undermine your focused best. Be humble yet confident (in Christ) about what you can bring to a church that will make them a better community.
  • Make Biblical conclusions: Worship leaders who know their Bible and live it authentically have an edge in getting hired. When it comes to theology and doctrine these days the tendency is to embrace the gray and live in the land of “whatever”.  Making well founded conclusions based on your interpretation of scripture shows that you’ve taken the time to study and show yourself approved.  As a leader, don’t be afraid of putting a stake in the ground in what you believe. As you evolve, you can always move it later.
  • Seek a unified calling: If you are married, dig in hard with your spouse to determine the things that matter most to you as a family. Avoid over spiritualizing the journey.  Be pragmatic! Realize there are some factors about a move to a new church and community that must be discussed and agreed upon. Avoiding the hard discussions can lead to a bad decision resulting in a short term stint that is not good for you or the church.

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