13 Rules For Planning Easter

Holidays can be one of the most stressful times for worship leaders, Easter Sunday being one of the big two. It may be the most glorious day in history, but it sure can bring some major pressures and demands. This article offers insightful “rules” to help worship leaders plan for and survive the Easter season while avoiding burnout.

Jon Nicol draws on years of experience to provide tips like planning early, establishing a cutoff date for new ideas, and scheduling A-team members ahead of time. He also covers building services that feel special but sustainable, keeping the focus on the Resurrection, and recycling songs people already know.

Throughout the article, the overarching theme is being intentional to avoid unnecessary complexity and overload. Nicol advocates for practices like full run-throughs, guarding rehearsal time, and planning extra rest after Easter. With wisdom and wit, Nicol walks through pitfalls to avoid and healthy perspectives to embrace.

Nicol’s rules may read as humorous, but together they form a thoughtful guide for worship leaders aiming to create meaningful Easter services without losing their sanity.

Read the full article.


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