New Life

4 Ways to Bring New Life Into Church Worship

Phil Haydn reacts to negative worship blogs.

Recently I have came across a few articles that focus heavily on “Why church worship is not as engaging as it used to be.” To say these blogs were disheartening would be an understatement. Why? Because worship is my lifeline to God’s heart, and for me Sunday worship means so much more than singing a few songs and hearing a message. It is a time to gather with friends and family. A grand celebration, a holy time. So I had a choice in that moment after reading these blogs:

  • Feed the negativity
  • Do something that breeds life

As a result, here is my blog post on “4 Ways to Bring New Life Into Church Worship” *subtitled* Written by a recovering analytical, critical, and judgmental worship leader.

1. Pre-Game: The Bible says to enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. This means you might have to do some pre-game worship before you even enter into a corporate worship setting.

(This could be listening to some worship jams on your way to church or arriving early, opening up your bible, and meditating on God’s Word)

2. Don’t Be A Spectator: We are so inclined to wait…before we join in. This is not just with worship. We wait and talk about ideas and concepts until we feel safe to execute them or until someone has blazed the trail first. Let’s walk into a worship service (contemporary or traditional – whatever style) and start engaging in what God has for us. Begin to pray for the day, share a word of encouragement with someone, write down something you are thankful for, sing, clap, dance, meditate, and maybe even smile.

Continue reading.


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