worship songs

5 Steps for Introducing New Praise Songs

Carly Voinski says we aren’t called to lead our favorite songs:

If you’re serving on a Worship team, chances are you love new music. We are musicians, the desire to sing and play new songs seems to have been established in our DNA. We are constantly looking for new music and perhaps even writing our own. This is great. It shows passion, desire, and yes it’s even biblical to sing new songs unto the Lord. But all too often we realize that the rest of our congregation just isn’t quite on the same track as us. The people we worship with each Sunday aren’t all musicians. Some are unable to hold pitch while others struggle to clap on 2 and 4. However, they are the people we are called to lead into praise and worship of our awesome God. If we can help them do that by being a little more intentional when introducing new music then I say we should do so joyfully.

How do we do this?


Sometimes it really is all about choosing the correct music for your congregation. A current example of this comes from Hillsong United’s new album, Empires. One of the songs on the album, “Even When it Hurts”, has a line that says … “Even when it hurts like hell, I’ll praise You.” I love the music that Hillsong United puts out, but I also know that the congregation I lead is not ready to shout that out on a Sunday morning. We could have debates and discussions as to why the song is great and truthful and real and relevant and honestly I agree, it is all those things. But, I know the people I lead. Introducing this song from the platform on a Sunday would just not work and the church I serve would not be worshipping through it. We aren’t called to lead our favorite songs.

Continue reading.


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