7 Ways to Slow Down This Christmas

As the familiar frenzy of the holidays descends once more, it meets us still shaking off the weariness of recent seasons of turmoil. Pandemic, unrest, isolation – the early 2020s extracted heavy tolls, leaving spirits longing for respite during Christmas. Yet busyness still beckons as Thanksgiving gives way to the usual crash courses in parties, baking, and shopping. Before falling prey to this seasonal sprint, we need an agreement: let’s embrace wonder instead this year.

Rather than exhausted efforts at normalcy, let’s transform frantic activity into intentional spaces that refresh our souls. Slowing down and reflecting on the timeless Christmas narrative and enjoying simple traditions with family is a great start. More than checking tasks, the goal is checking in – to emerge fully awake to the glory of Emmanuel afresh this season. As that first Christmas over 2000 years ago, making room for wonder makes way for the miracle to dwell among us.

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