food court

A Move Away from a “Food Court” Model of Worship

Kenny Lamm says there is a shift from a “food court” model of worship to a unified style of worship.

There is a move of God across churches around our nation that is causing a shift from a “food court” model of worship to a unified style of worship. In the past, many of our churches, for well-thought-through pragmatic reasons, decided to offer two or more styles of worship, seeking to attract people who like a particular kind of music. This model is based on personal preferences.

The overall concern was that we could not draw young people with traditional styles of worship, and our older people would leave if we transition our services to a more contemporary model. The result has often been ageism, segregation and division of the body. In many cases, its implementation has severely divided the church rather than uniting it in what should be one of the most unifying practices of the church —corporate worship. In fact, biblical teaching points to us keeping the generations together in worship (1 Timothy 5:1-3, 1 Timothy 4:12, Psalm 145:4, John 17).

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