9 Reasons Your Church Isn’t Singing

Sometimes our church just stands and stares at us. If the arms are crossed while they stare, it’s even more deflating. If the eyes are crossed, oh boy…. How do we get our churches to sing and participate more during worship? Why aren’t they singing? Join the Worship Ministry Training podcast as they interview Kenny Lamm, who wrote an entire handbook on worship leading. They’ll discuss his list of 9 reasons why your church isn’t singing during musical worship.

Listen to the full podcast.

Helping Worship Leaders Find Rest

Ever had someone question why you’re so exhausted on Sunday morning? Oh the hidden struggles of those who lead worship. From practice session pressures to the never-ending cycle of preparation, it’s no wonder sabbath rest feels like a distant dream for many worship leaders.

But here’s a great truth – it doesn’t have to be this way! Discover practical tips for finding rest in the midst of ministry chaos, and learn why your church might want to consider offering sabbaticals. (Trust us, it’s not just for the leaders’ benefit!)

Rethink what it means to truly rest in God’s presence – and maybe even revolutionize your church’s approach to worship leadership.

Read the full article.

What In-Ear Monitors are Worship Leaders Using in 2024?

Ready to take your worship team’s sound to the next level? Get the scoop on the best in-ear monitors for 2024. This article has the inside track on what worship leaders are actually using – and loving. Discover the budget-friendly option that’s got everyone talking, beating out pricier competitors. Plus, learn when it might be worth splurging on those custom models. Whether you’re looking to save a dollar or looking to invest in top-tier gear, this guide’s got you covered. Don’t miss out on the gear that could transform your worship experience!

Read the full article.

34 Upbeat Worship Songs That Will Energize Your Services

Is your church getting tired of the same old worship tunes? Get ready to shake things up. This article dives into the power of upbeat songs in church and why they’re crucial for keeping your congregation engaged. But it doesn’t stop there – it’s got you covered with a list of 30+ top-notch worship songs for 2024 that’ll have everyone on their feet. Discover how to bring more energy, joy, and spiritual depth to your worship experience!

See the full list.

Charlie Hall on Elevating Worship

Charlie Hall joins the Beyond Sunday Worship podcast to discuss how he got started in worship leading and his journey through it. Listen in for advice on how to elevate your church’s worship, from developing youth leaders, to leading authentically, and building balance in your sets.

Listen to the full podcast.

Why Your Greeters Are Also Worship Leaders

Ever wondered why some churches just feel right from the moment you step in? This article dives into those little things that make a big difference – like a friendly face before the service or an umbrella on a rainy Easter Sunday. It’s not about the music or the preacher, but those human touches that set the stage for true worship. The author shares personal experiences and practical tips on creating an atmosphere where everyone, especially newcomers, can connect with God without distractions. If you’ve ever felt awkward in a new church or want to make your own more welcoming, this read is for you. It might just change how you see worship – starting from the parking lot!

Read the full article.

Should You Mimic Other Churches?

Ever wonder what goes through a worship pastor’s mind during a family vacation? One man’s covert operation as a “secret shopper” in unfamiliar churches leads to an unexpected revelation from his 11-year-old daughter. Her simple question sparks a deeper reflection on authenticity, creativity, and the true purpose of worship.

This peek behind the curtain of church production will make you laugh, think, and maybe even squirm a little. Are we all just copying each other? Is that what God wants in His worship services?

Read the full article.

When New Songs Fall Flat

Ever felt the sting of introducing a killer new worship song, only to hear… silence? You’re not alone.

Picture this: You’ve spent weeks perfecting that hot new tune. The band’s on fire. You’re ready to rock Sunday morning. But when the moment comes? Crickets. Awkward stares. Maybe a few half-hearted mumbles.


But don’t toss that song just yet! This eye-opening article reveals 3 game-changing tips to get your congregation singing along – and loving it.

You’ll discover:

  • The surprising reason your “radio-ready” arrangement might be falling flat
  • A sneaky 60-second trick to hook people before you even start playing
  • Why patience (and repetition) might be your secret weapon

Plus, learn the counterintuitive approach that turns new songs from interruptions into invitations to deeper worship.

Whether you’re a seasoned worship leader or just starting out, these practical strategies will revolutionize how you introduce new music. Get ready to transform those crickets into a chorus of praise!

Bonus: Find out why sometimes a “flop” isn’t really a failure at all.

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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