chord chart

Chord Chart Chaos

One of the best things you can do to facilitate a smooth, timely and productive praise band rehearsal is to get your chord charts in order.

In addition to the benefits noted above, your band will also experience a sense of pure joy, peace and well-being. Happy players play better.

I can remember one praise band rehearsal I experienced at a megachurch that should know better. The charts were of the quickie Internet variety – printed from some nebulous website. The chords were not only often wrong, the chart was generic and didn’t follow the multitracks we were using. One chart was in the wrong key. And they were strewn across the music stand out of order.

Seriously? As the rehearsal dragged along I became more and more annoyed. Worship leader, the last thing a volunteer praise band member wants to do after a long day at work is to wrack their brains trying to make sense of your poorly-planned rehearsal.

I can remember another praise band rehearsal where I walked in only to find a notebook welcoming me with all the charts in perfect order (complete with sticky-note tabs on each song for easy referencing.) Good heavens, I felt like I was at a praise band luxury resort. All the charts matched the multitracks and the rehearsal was over and done with before I even knew what was happening. I also appreciated the one page service order I could keep next to my charts during the praise set.

Which band do you think I’d rather be playing with?

This week, try going the extra mile at your praise band rehearsal. Think ahead and figure out ways to make the experience a joy for your players.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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