
Does Your Church Lobby Turn Off Visitors?

Steve Law on musty church lobbies:

Your church lobby tells new people in about 3 seconds the kind of people that your church wants to have. Okay, maybe just 2 seconds. It is really, really, really fast and most churches do not even know what they’re doing.

I walked into one church and this is what I saw:

  • Faded, worn out mauve carpet that “died” several years ago
  • Furniture that I last saw in my 80 year old aunt’s house – and she died 25 years ago
  • Bare walls on one side and pictures of old stuff on the wall
  • A chandelier

I looked around to see if it was a church or funeral home – everything told me I was in a funeral parlor or at least a place that my great Aunt Clara (born circa 1900) would enjoy. It was like a museum – okay, you get the picture. It was not a drawing card for 20- and 30-somethings. It was not even attractive to anyone under 60 – but most people had seen it for so long that they felt it was just part of the church. But anyone who was new to the church and walked in there was immediately turned off by what they saw.

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