music notes

In Defense Of Simple Contemporary Worship Songs

Bobby Gilles brings to light an interesting quote on musical complexity:

Kristen and I have written often about the need for theologically sound, gospel-centered lyrics in our worship songs. It’s important that our songs enable us to “teach and admonish one another” (Col. 3:16) as we praise the only true God. But we shouldn’t be dismissive of contemporary songs that are simpler than famous, old hymns. From John Frame, Worship In Spirit And Truth:

“New movements in hymnody tend toward simplification at first, and as they develop further, they produce more complex poetry and music. (This is also true to some extent of the history of music in general). Thus, at any point in history, the older style of hymnody will appear richer than the newer style. However, there is a legitimate place in worship for both complex and simple hymns: compare Psalms 68, 69, and 119, on the one hand, with Psalms 23, 117, 131, and 133, on the other.”

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