More US Christians Are Hungry for ‘Authenticity in the Community’

website creator Choosing a new church home can be a daunting but necessary transition. What causes people to make this major switch? A recent study uncovers surprising insights.

Many Christians will change churches at least once in their lives. While moving locations is the top reason, a Lifeway Research survey reveals 40% switch for other motivations. The pandemic has accelerated this trend, with people desiring deeper community and meaning.

Through in-depth interviews, Lifeway identified three main triggers behind the disenchantment driving church changes: shifts in the church itself, unmet personal needs, and disillusionment with leadership. People pointed to hypocrisy, judgment, and poor preaching as turn-offs.

The data shows churches have opportunities to be more outwardly focused and engage people longing for authentic biblical teaching and close-knit connections. One couple shares their firsthand story of finding a better spiritual fit in a smaller, less “polished” church after feeling like just another face in the crowd.

In the end, Christians should seek the right church environment to walk with Christ and grow. In this article, Jenna Browder explores the complex reasons behind switching churches and guiding principles for finding your true faith community.

Read the full article.


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