Phil Wickham on God’s Calling

Phil Wickham is on a mission to “light people’s hearts up for Jesus,” and his words are sure to spark a revival in even the weariest of souls.

In this candid interview, Wickham opens up about the profound calling he feels to create music that ushers people into an authentic encounter with God. He has an unwavering commitment to use his gifts for God’s glory, even when it means making sacrifices.

But Wickham’s vision extends far beyond the music industry. He fervently longs to see the church experience a sweeping revival that draws believers back to the heart of Jesus. His prayers for a church awakening that replaces judgment with love.

Get ready to be challenged and inspired as Wickham casts a powerful vision for a revitalized church burning with zeal for the Lord. Whether you’re a fellow worshiper or simply someone in need of spiritual renewal, this interview will fan the flames of your faith.

See the interview here.


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