
Sorrowful Worship Songs?

Tom Lawson on the lack of sad worship songs:

I really would like to hear some sorry church music this coming Sunday. Honestly. But, chances are, since I’m going to be in the worship service of an Bible-believing Evangelical church, I won’t. What a shame.

What I will hear will vary slightly depending on whether or not it is a contemporary worship service (which is most likely) or a traditional worship service (I’m probably in a small church) or a mixture. If it is contemporary, it will be dominated by songs praising how wonderful God is and how much I long to experience Him more deeply. If it is a traditional service, it will be dominated by testimonial gospel songs about how great it is to be saved and how we can’t wait to get to heaven.

There’s nothing wrong with songs of praise or testimony or seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus. I would really sound like an odd person if I said something like, “I’m tired of singing songs of praise.”

Well, I am. Both. I am an odd person and I am tired of the steady stream of praise music. How could there be anything wrong with filling up a Sunday gathering with songs of praise? That is what this blog post is all about.

Continue reading.


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