The 8 Rules for Talking While Leading Worship

Worship leaders, be honest – are your between-song ramblings more cringe-worthy than anointed? If your vocal talents outshine your public speaking skills, you’re not alone. But fear not! This hilarious yet insightful article lays out 8 must-follow rules for when (and when not) to open your mouth during a worship set.

From the importance of planning your words to using scripture over opinions, these tips will save you from scattered thoughts and awkward silences. You’ll learn when a simple song transition is better than an over-explanatory intro. And most importantly, how to let the songs (and the Holy Spirit) do the heavy lifting rather than rambling on yourself.

Whether you have a bad habit of winging it or sermonizing, this piece will rein you in with some much-needed wisdom and humor. After all, the goal is to usher people into worship, not distract them with our attempt at being overly loquacious. Read on and never again be “that worship leader” who can’t stop talking!

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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