
Worship Pastor Creates App to Track Hospitalized Parishioners


Pastor Ed Frisbee knew he needed to do something.

A member of the choir at Trinity of Fairview Baptist Church had just come to practice clearly upset. And it wasn’t until he asked why that Frisbee learned the woman’s mother had been hospitalized for week. No one from the church had reached out to her family.

The embarrassment of that moment convinced Frisbee that the church needed a better way to minister to church members who were sick or caring for ailing relatives. Frisbee came to the church with a background in technology and Web design. So, he immediately began working on a high-tech solution to the problem.

“I just found a need that we were not communicating well enough. I like to have a system in place,” he said. “My brain kind of went there.”

Frisbee, who is the worship pastor at the church in Fletcher, worked on the problem for a few months until he came up with a first-of-its-kind app that allows users to keep up with the health conditions of church members from their smartphones or computers.

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