Ash Wednesday

Worship Service Planning For Ash Wednesday

website creator Ash Wednesday will be upon us soon. Like all elements of the Christian Church liturgical calendar, Ash Wednesday is an effective way to preach the gospel and “walk through” the gospel story. At our church, Sojourn, we always observe Ash Wednesday with an early morning service. You can see our banner preview here, along with a couple photos from past services.

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent. The Church set this date in the 4th century by counting back forty days from Easter (excluding Sundays). This brings us to the Wednesday seven weeks before Easter. Each of the 40 days represents one of the forty days when Christ fasted in the wilderness, before Satan tempted Him (Mark 4:2).

On Ash Wednesday, we:

  • Contemplate the death that reigns in us because of sin, and our need for Jesus to save us.
  • Commit to daily repentance — to “die daily,” as Paul said (1 Corinthians 15:31).
  • Celebrate that Christ conquered Satan, sin and the grave.

So Where Do The Ashes Come In?

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