A Case for Clarifying and Amplifying Technology in Worship

website creator Does technology in your worship services actually clarify the gospel or muddy the waters? Take a deep dive into how the tools we embrace in church – from lighting rigs to livestreams – inevitably shape our habits and mindsets as disciples, often in subtle ways we don’t realize.

As worship leaders, we can’t afford to be oblivious to technology’s profound influence. You’ll wrestle with tough questions like: Are livestreams truly connecting your community or inadvertently fragmenting it? Are mic setups and screen graphics enhancing or distracting from authentic communion?

Rethink assumptions and intentionally consider who you’re becoming through the tools you use. From the philosophical to the practical, you’ll gain insight into mindfully approaching technologies in a way that clarifies the gospel message and amplifies genuine worship.

Get ready for an eye-opening look at worshiping faithfully in our era of relentless technological change. This article will convict you to be more thoughtful about allowing technology to form (or deform) your community as Jesus followers.

Read the full article.


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