
For Every Worship Leader Who’s Ever Struggled Through a Monday

Carey Nieuwhof offers an encouraging word to church leaders:

  • Probably more than any other day of the week, leaders get discouraged on Mondays.
  • Your message didn’t quite elicit the response you hoped it would.
  • That one nasty email stole some much needed sleep last night.
  • You think you’re not making nearly the progress you hoped you would.
  • You wonder whether anyone actually appreciates what you’re doing.
  • That person who left also discouraged three other people on their way out the door.

I don’t know whether this is apocryphal or not, but it’s said more ministry leaders resign on a Monday than any other day. If you’ve been in ministry for any length of time, you’ll understand why.

A few weeks ago I caught a breathtakingly fresh glimpse of how I think God must feel when he sees the discouragement present in his people on days like Monday.

My wife Toni and I were on a hike in the woods.

I like to take pictures, and I was heading to a stream to take some shots of a small waterfall when I almost stepped on the flowers above.

They were incredibly small. They were barely visible from 6 feet up, but I caught them out of the corner of my eye.

I had to get down on my stomach to take this shot. I got as close as I could to snap the photo. (The picture makes them look so much bigger than they were, even without a macro lens.)

As I looked at them, it occurred to me that I might actually be the only human to ever see these flowers.

It made me think…

That doesn’t really matter to God.

He created them, and he absolutely delights in them.

Continue reading.

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