too loud

How Loud Should Your Church Worship Service Be?

Eric Dye on sound levels:

My first experiences with church sound level complaints was pretty flippant. I thought, “Seriously? Have you nothing more important to think about?” However, the truth of the matter is, church volume is something that cannot be ignored. If you have people in your congregation that complain about the volume being too loud, their volume with continue to increase until something happens.

When someone complains about the volume being too high, what’s your first reaction?

  • Do you think those at the battle of Jericho complained about the volume?
  • Wow! Really? We’ll have to re-check our levels next weekend.
  • I’m sorry, let me turn that down for you.

I recommend the second reaction. There’s no need to start a battle. We’ve got more important things to do in the church than bicker about the volume like an old married couple.

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