praise team

The 10 Commandments of Great Worship Team Members

website creator Mark Cole has set rules for his praise team:

1. I will be available at least twice per month and answer worship department emails within 24 hrs

  • I find that players need to play a minimum of twice per month to stay in the flow of the worship and maintain good relationships with the leader(s) and team members.
  • As someone who has scheduled worship teams for years, prompt replies by the team members is greatly appreciated. Also, it is a good habit to be prompt in all your communication. It is a form of discipline and respect.

2. I will listen to, practise and memorize the songs for Sunday

  • Most musicians learn by listening. I always spend the .99 cents to $1.29 to download the songs on iTunes and make a playlist to listen in my house and car. Listening will teach you things that charts never will.
  • I always take time to practice the new songs for the team and briefly review the older songs. I want to be excellent in my service to the Lord. God rewards faithfulness and excellence.
  • Memorizing songs allows me to get past the music and worship God freely. Most worship songs are not hard to memorize. Here is my post on helping you to memorize.

3. I will show up prepared and on time for rehearsal

  • Leaders and other team members really appreciate when all the team has done their homework. When the drummer knows the grooves, tempos and breaks, it makes the rehearsal go so much smoother. When the lead guitar and keyboard players have learned the introductions and lead lines, it saves so much time for the rest of the group.
  • When team members all show up on time, it shows respect and value for the whole team. It promotes unity and makes the rehearsals go much smoother.

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