google maps

Using Google Maps to Assure Wary Church Visitors

Chris Ruddell reveals a clever way to promote your church.

Odd as it may sound, one of the scariest places to go is church. When a visitor – especially one that hasn’t been in a church for years – takes that first step inside a church building, they often are filled with numerous anxieties and questions.

What door should I go in? Am I dressed appropriately? Will people be nice to me? Will they be “too nice” and try to push me into something I’m not ready for? What are the escape routes in case my experience goes horribly wrong?

These are just some of the questions many visitors have when they come to your church.

But Google has offered a way to calm many of those fears and provide a safe and easy way for people to get the answers. Last month, Google unveiled a new feature to Google Maps – interior photos for local businesses. It’s the perfect way to give a virtual tour to people wanting to check out your church or organization.

Continue reading.


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