How Prepared is “Prepared”?

Are you tired of showing up to rehearsals with your worship team all on a different page? Some members are still learning the song, others have it memorized, and it’s a struggle to get everyone aligned.

A simple system can fix that – the “Practice By Numbers” approach. This guide lays out clear preparation standards so your whole team knows exactly how ready they need to be each week. No more ambiguity!

Learn the different levels of song mastery, from just beginning to learn it to having it down cold. And you’ll get tips on setting consistent expectations for your team based on these levels.

The article gives you questions to consider when implementing the system, like whether you require full memorization and how to handle new songs vs. ones you’ve played for months. It’s a practical framework for finally getting your team prepped and polished.

Ready for highly organized Sunday services?

Read the full article.


Essential reading for worship leaders since 2002.


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